My baby is 3! I can't believe how fast he grew up!
A few our favorite things about Crew:
1. He LOVES the water and all water activities. He is an amazing swimmer in both the pool and ocean. He goes on big waterslides by himself, can touch the bottom of an 8 ft deep pool, boogie boards in the ocean and can read and catch waves all by himself..... We are all amazed and laugh at him all the time because it is so funny to see someone so little do all the things he does.
2. Scooters, scooters, scooters! His favorites are his razor scooter with light-up wheels and his brothers spark scooters. He rips down the hill, jumps the driveway, goes on ramps (kind of). He has great balance and coordination for a little guy.
3. He is SO tough and all boy, yet he spends half his day on my lap, wants to carried, and constantly gives cuddles. I LOVE this mixture of half tough-guy half sweetheart (although he is not the lightest kid to carry around!)
4. He loves playing games on his iTouch and is really good at them. It amazes me how quickly kids can learn all the techno stuff!
5. He loves disney movies, toys, books, etc. Right now Buzz and the Monster Inc characters are his favorites. He is SO excited to go to Disneyworld in May!
Crew had a birthday full of lots of fun activities. In the morning he woke up to a decorated house, a DVD with Captain Zoom singing him a personalized birthday song, presents and pancakes.

Then we went to the beach for some boogie boarding.
We tried to go to the aquarium but got rained out so we went to see the Tooth Fairy instead (not our favorites movie). Then we had dinner in Lahaina with Dusty and Jane and played glow in the dark mini golf.
Happy "3" crew!!! It was so fun & special to spend a part of the big day with you!!!
Jenn- that #1 on your list, you really need to videotape him in the ocean for those who read your blog & don't get to witness crew in the ocean for themselves! He is so cute, crazy, sick-GOOD and completely comfortable out there!
And, a personalized DVD of who singing happy birthday??? THAT sounds so awesome! I gotta look into that, do they offer other characters???
ok i am laughing about the music singing to him. I had that same thing when i was little!!!! I think it goes something like "Hey shannon it's your birthday today!"
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Love bug!! I love how much of a brut he is! I'm loving that picture of Chase and Crew boogie boarding! SO AWESOME! and dying to see him in action. I can kinda tell how good he is by the pictures. He is soooo Tough. Love him.
Miss you guys!!
Sounds like the perfect birthday for Crew! I also love what a tough but cuddly guy he is. Kenzie is always asking for "Creeeeeewwwww!" And yes, he is amazing in the ocean, you really do need to put up some videos of him so everyone can see him. We love you Crew!
Happy Birthday Crew!! Wish we had been there to celebrate with you...we love you and miss you!! He is such a great little boy and SO athletic just like his big brothers!
I can't believe he is THREE! You have the cutest boys ever... I sure wish Casey and I could have tagged along with Jane and Dusty to see you! Loves...
Hey maybe you still lug Crew around on your hip because it keeps you young. Right?? He is so darling. I really want to see this video of him in the ocean. Please post!
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