Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So random, but so fun!

We were eating dinner at Fred's last night and we were looking through a Maui event magazine and saw the Journey was playing that night. We both LOVE Journey and thought it would be cool to check out the outdoor theater so we hurried and finished dinner and went to the concert. It was a little more expensive than I thought it would be but totally awesome. Journey sounds SO good live and our boys loved the music. We had perfect seats, direct middle, right in front of the sound stage so the boys could stand on their seats or sit on our shoulders without blocking anyone. Crew was dancing and kept saying, "I like this. I like concerts!" They are already asking when we can do it again.


Granum Family said...

Oh how fun! I have a feeling that I will keep saying that I wish we were there with you guys the whole time you live there!

Kierstin said...

How fun!! That is way cool and so cute that the boys loved it too! I want to live in Maui with you guys!

{jane} said...

fun! fun! fun!

and, the coolest parents of ever!


Lucrecia said...

That is so awesome! What did you think of their new(ish) lead singer? Are you guys getting all settled? Are you having too much fun to be homesick?

Shannon said...

I LOVE JOURNEY!! How totally cool that you went to their concert with your boys. Now you need to take them to Metallica where they can tear it up in the mosh Pit! hahaha
Then they would have seen it all! Lol...

I feel like Kelli & will always wish i was with you!

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous! I'm glad the boys liked the concert, too. You guys are the best parents ever! Loved the pictures of the boys paddle surfing, etc. You take the best pictures!

Idaho Penningtons said...

NO FAIR!!! You always get to do the fun stuff!!!