Monday, March 19, 2007

What Happens In Vegas - Stays In Vegas!

There's nothing like exposing your 6 week old child to the foils of Vegas! Ha - Just kidding! For all of you who don't know us very well, the Corona is a joke. Our Cabana came with a fridge full of beer and none of us drink alcohol! So we thought that was pretty funny. Crew was an angel on the trip and spent most of the day looking around and sleeping in the cabana.


Shannon said...

OH There it is! Poor little Baby....Sorry that you had to have a WT Picture! hee hee

Kierstin said...
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Granum Family said...

So funny! Bryan loved the picture. Yes Kierst WT=White Trash... not sure what BCT means. Crew has gotten so big, he's so cute. I want a baby :)

Granum Family said...

Kierstin, where did your comment go? I was answering your question in my comment :)

Kierstin said...

Sorry...I deleted my post, I wish you could just edit them...I was trying to figure out what BCT and WT I guessed WT right!! WTG me! BCT=something, Cory Taylor. Okay and poor Crew.... :-) He is PRECIOUS though!!